To help our troops plan their years after service, WalletHub
compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 27 key indicators of
retirement-friendliness toward veterans. The data set ranges from job
opportunities for veterans to housing affordability to quality of VA hospitals.
Florida was ranked the top state for military retirees with
District of Columbia ranking at the bottom in 2018.
Indiana is 2018's 10th Worst State for Military Retirees
with a ranking of 43rd.
Military Retirement in Indiana (1=Best; 25=Avg.)
38th - Veterans per Capita
28th - Number of VA Health Facilities per Number of Veterans
30th - % of Homeless Veterans
8th - Veteran Job Opportunities
7th - Housing Affordability
33rd - % of Veteran-Owned Businesses
49th - Number of VA Benefits-Administration Facilities per
Number of Veterans
SOURCE: Wallet Hub