Need more reasons to enroll?
• You don’t need to take additional steps to meet the health
care law coverage standards.
• Medical care rated among the best in the U.S.
Immediate benefits of health care coverage. Veterans can
apply for VA health care enrollment at any time.
• No enrollment fee, monthly premiums or deductibles. Most
veterans have no out-of-pocket costs. Some veterans may have to pay small
copayments for health care or prescription drugs.
• More than 1,200 VA medical facilities available to get
your care. This means your coverage can go with you if you travel or move.
• Freedom to use other plans with your VA health care,
including Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE or private insurance.
• Enrolled veterans who are travelling or spending time away
from their preferred facility can obtain care at any VA health care facility
across the country without having to reapply.
• Under VA’s medical benefits package, the same medical
benefits are generally available to all enrolled veterans.
Quickly find out if you may be eligible for enrollment. Use
the3 online VA Health Benefits Explorer at to answer a
few questions about yourself and learn about the VA health care benefits you
could receive as an enrolled veteran. Afterward, you will be given an
opportunity to apply for enrollment. If you wish, you can skip the Explorer and
simply apply for enrollment using one of the options below.
• Telephone: Veterans can complete applications for
enrollment in VA health care by telephone. To apply, call (877) 222 8387,
Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. VA staff members will collect
the needed information and process the application for an enrollment
• Online: Veterans can fill out the application online at and electronically submit it to VA for processing. VA will search for
your supporting documentation through its electronic information systems and
contact you if it is unable to verify your military service. For help filling
out the application, call (877) 222-8387, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m.
and 8 p.m.
• Mail: The application form can be downloaded from Mail the completed and signed form to: Health
Eligibility Center, Enrollment Eligibility Division, 2957 Clairmont Road, Suite
200, Atlanta, GA 30329-1647.
• In person: You can apply at any VA health care facility.
You select where you want to receive your care. As part of
the enrollment process, Veterans will be given the opportunity to select the VA
Medical Center or Community Based Outpatient Clinic where they prefer to be
seen. To find a facility near you, visit VA’s directory at
The information is from the 2018 Edition, Vol. 1, Health Care
Benefits Overview. If you have any questions, call the Veterans Affairs Office
at (800) 827-1000.